Island Life Magazine Ltd June/July 2013 | Page 74

Gardening with Tina Whatever the weather, summer has technically arrived! So I’m determined to make the most of light evenings even if I have to sit outside clutching a hot water bottle and flask of hot tea instead of a cold drink. The first few months of the year have proved a major test for everyone involved T in a H ug he s trai ne d as a profession al ga rd en er afte r leav in g school a nd spent a su m m er w orki in Tu sca ny as a n E ng ng lis h Ga rd en er. Sh e ha s a N at io na l D ip lo m a in Horticu lt ure. in horticulture from the best equipped professionals to In the night garden mere mortals like me. Luckily Night scented plants lend a magical dimension to the it seems that many plants garden on a warm summer’s night, filling the air with their benefit from the low spring heady perfume intended to lure moths to their flowers. temperatures and are now Night scented stocks are the easiest of plants to grow growing vigorously. There’s and can be sown where they are to flower. Tobacco plants still much to enjoy in a summer garden even from a window. have a pleasing fragrance, especially Nicotiana sylvestris which produces tall spires of narrow white flowers with a lovely scent in borders. The common honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum is also hard to beat for its rich perfume on a Do you have a qu estion? summer’s evening. Plant them near seats or doorways for maximum enjoyment. If you have a question, need some advice or even a suggestion for an article then please email: [email protected] More cutting rem a rks If you are insp ired to tr y grow ing plants from cu ttings, the trad itional method is to in sert a number of cuttings around the edge of the pot. This really wor ks, resulting in m ore plants taking. Rooting powde rs are useful but they are less effectiv e if they are kept to o long. 74