Island Life Magazine Ltd June/July 2012 | Page 104

Matt Noyce is head gardener at Quarr Abbey, and is responsible for the 200 acres of gardens, pastureland, vegetable plot and private woodland on the estate. Up to our knees in water but it was well worthwhile With the fear of sounding clichéd, and being very British by commenting on the weather, I’d say it has been ‘very nice weather for ducks’ recently. We have found ourselves up to our knees at times in ditches, clearing the way for rain water that I know we will need in the coming months. With this in mind, and the threat of drought implications later this year, we at Quarr find ourselves in a lucky position. Being handed a very old map from our archives, I have seen we have various capped and covered wells on the estate. With this knowledge we recruited the help of a dowser, a person who uses the intriguing method of dowsing to locate water and its flow, amongst other things, underground. We had success and are looking to uncover one of the well heads in the near future. The rains have been good news for plants already in the ground; the 104 asparagus has grown tremendously, producing thick juicy stems, although tending to the vegetable plot has had its problems due to waterlogging. It is advised not to work sodden soil as you may damage the soil’s structure; also, most plants don’t appreciate having their roots stuck in very wet soil. One particular example was a veteran oak tree that was brought down by the recent wet and windy weather. It will, however, live on in the form of furniture, as our resident craftsmen and craftswoman will turn the timber into sturdy benches to place around the estate. On sunny days we have had the Isle of Wight Beekeeping Association on standby to collect local bee swarms and bring them to Quarr to create new colonies. They are encouraged into temporary ‘nucs’ (pronounced nukes) until the colony expands. So far there have been several successful relocations, which is great news for all concerned. The hanging baskets around the teashop have just been replanted after a great earlier show. I ha fP