Island Life Magazine Ltd June/July 2009 | Page 78

life GARDENING Petunia Blue The Princess and the Gardener Jo Macaulay interviews Chris Beardshaw about the garden he has created at Carisbrooke Castle, which is an homage to former resident Princess Beatrice. In March 2008 Chris Beardshaw was awarded the contract to create a new garden at Carisbrooke, to be known as The Princess Beatrice Garden. How did Chris feel about being chosen to design the garden? “I was delighted, as Carisbrooke has so many memories for me,” said Chris. “My family regularly visited the Isle of Wight on holiday and my partner, Frances, who also worked on the project, was born in Newport. I have a photograph of myself as a child, standing on the ramparts that overlook the very space where the new 78 of the castle itself to formulate garden has been created. a design that for me echoes the “Before I started designing Edwardian era and I hope would the garden I looked at the have pleased the Princess. It is photographic and documentary not meant as a recreation but as sources available which indicated homage to that period and to that the garden was mostly used the Princess herself. as a productive space but by “I was also really inspired the turn of the 19th century it by a painting of Beatrice as a became purely aesthetic in its young girl, where she appeared purpose. Plans dating back to vibrant and full of energy and 1923 show that the garden was the caption underneath quoted mainly laid down to lawn with Queen Victoria’s description the addition of a few shrub and of her daughter as ‘La petite flower beds. Enough survived to Princesse Beatrice….est si jolie’ provide guidance on pathways I’ve tried to capture that spirit in and old gate entrances and I the garden design,” he added. also drew inspiration from the Sunflor plan Citrien that emerged was heraldic crest and architectureDianthusThe The Island's most loved magazine