Island Life Magazine Ltd June/July 2007 | Page 94

life - ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE Having problems with your dentures? You do not have to continue suffering embarrassment and aggravation. Imagine this! In less than two hours you can have dental implants placed in my surgery and leave with a secure fitting denture. This, of course, is performed only after thorough and extensive pre-surgical planning and radiographic examination. You will be able to eat comfortably, have a pleasant conversation, laugh and talk with confidence. Traditional dentistry has focused on preventing tooth loss but not on preventing bone loss after tooth extraction. Patients are often not aware of the anatomical changes and the potential consequences of the insidious bone loss that continues after teeth have been extracted. This bone loss is accelerated when patients wear poorly fitting full dentures! A tooth is necessary for the development of alveolar bone (the specific part of the jaws in which teeth are embedded) and stimulation of this bone is required to maintain its volume and density. A conventional removable denture (complete or partial) does not stimulate and maintain bone; it often accelerates the bone loss! The load from mastication (chewing) with conventional dentures is transferred to the bone surface only, not the whole bone. As a result blood supply is reduced, and often total bone volume loss occurs. Placement of dental implants, 94 which are made from titanium or titanium alloy is biocompatible and should last your lifetime, arrest bone loss and enhances support, retention and stability of your overdenture. Implant-retained dentures will allow you to: 0 Participate again in social activities from which you withdrew because of your lack of confidence in your dentures. 0 Speak better. 0 Do without messy denture adhesives. 0 Eat whatever you want. 0 Smile with confidence. 0 Improve your nutritional intake and thus improve your general health, especially the medically compromised elderly. It may be possible to use your existing dentures and thus save on costs and time to complete the treatment. If your dentures are not of an acceptable quality ad fit, then a new set of dentures will be required. Several types of implants can be utilized for this procedure, however, each patient is unique and an implant treatment is tailored to your specific requirements. The implants are placed with aid of computer guided implant placement technology, using data obtained from a ct scan. This allows for the most accurate placement of the dental implants. Computer guided implant placement allows one to place the implants into the jaws in a minimally invasive manner i.e. no scalpels are used to cut the gums and expose the bone! Small, precisely drilled holes are made in your gums. This has several advantages such as reduced surgery time, less trauma, faster healing, no sutures, reduced costs. Computer guided implant placement allows analysis of the density and volume of the bone so that there is no doubt as to the best position for the implants and in order to ensure that vital anatomical structures such as nerves are not damaged. the safety of implant placement in this manner is therefore far superior to free hand placement. Implant placement is basically a three dimensional problem of the implant itself and the anatomical site where the implant is to be placed. The advanced computer guided implant placement programmes allows the jaws to be visualised in 3-dimension to sub-millimetric accuracy! An implant-retained denture can be a life-changing dental experience ! CONTACT: DR. A. SATTAR Wootton Bridge Dental Implant Clinic 2a Rectory Drive, Wootton, IW Tel: 01983 882111 Island Life -