Island Life Magazine Ltd February/March 2013 | Page 80

Gardening with Tina Even if I did not own a clock it’s easy to tell that the shortest day has passed and spring is almost here. Everywhere in the garden plants are showing signs of renewed growth. My rhubarb is beginning to uncurl its chubby fists, daffodils are taking over from the T in a H ug he s trai ne d as a profession al ga rd en er afte r leav in g school a nd spent a su m m er w orki in Tu sca ny as a n E ng ng lis h Ga rd en er. Sh e ha s a N at io na l D ip lo m a in Horticu lt ure. snowdrops, and buds are A Rose by another name? swelling on the trees and shrubs. I have resolved to stop making assumptions Christmas may have come and gone but Christmas Roses about what the weather will are blooming now, the first of the Hellebores to come into do this year, it’s bound to flower. I am glad to see them and so are early foraging be a surprise. Anyway all bees. They bring a touch of class to damp, shady borders the plants are raring to get with their exotic, elegant blooms ranging from pure white growing now, and so am I. through to the plumiest of purples, pale yellows and funky lime green. There are numerous varieties that will provide flowers from January through to the end of April. Evergreen varieties look battered now, so cut down the tired old Do you have a qu estion? foliage to reveal the flowers in all their glory. If you have a question, need some advice or even a suggestion for an article then please email: [email protected] Grow on If it is too cold and wet to star t sowing vegetabl es in the open ground, give yo urself a head st ar t by sowing a fe w in modules. Tr y beetroot, turn ips and onions . 80