Island Life Magazine Ltd February/March 2013 | Page 130

EcoGUIDE Facts, tips and advice by Mike Turner Did you know...? Compare costs for heating and hot water Biomass 1st supply and install the highest quality biomass equipment and can offer expert guidance with heat metering and the application process. Domestic scheme in August The commercial scheme households will be able has been paying since to apply, including those November 2011; the on the mains gas grid. domestic scheme is to Some energy saving begin Autumn 2013. The measures will also have to domestic RHI will pay be implemented before the similar tariff rates but for applications are passed. seven years rather than A home needing a 40kW boiler 20 years. All domestic typically requires around 52,500kWh of energy per year for space heating and domestic hot water. Running on logs this costs £667. Heating oil will be £3,885, nearly six times as much. However, we have made the assumption that the home owner takes responsibility for processing and storing the timber ready for burning, and we have not attached any further costs for this. Using a similar analysis for pellet, a 25kW pellet boiler earns £16,935 over the life of the domestic RHI scheme. Pellet costs around £200 per tonne. This equates to four pence per kWh, approximately 40 per cent. 130 We supply the highest quality biomass equipment, which will last the duration of the scheme and beyond, and can offer expert guidance with heat metering and application process. Emission cuts deadline The case for turning to Biomass for both commercial and domestic. The Climate Change Act of 2008 established legally binding reductions to the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. The next significant milestone is to reduce emissions to 25 per cent below the 1990 level by 2017. The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is a Government funded scheme to encourage the take up of renewable technologies.