Island Life Magazine Ltd December 2009/January 2010 | Page 27

INTERVIEW their three Victorian churches can be used to to the cross,” which is a far cry from the cutesy embrace the whole community. St Catherine’s image of the baby Jesus on Christmas cards. – currently undergoing refurbishment – has a But this just excites Graham all the more: “God coffee shop, a book shop, a Traid Craft outlet, makes himself so vulnerable that straightaway and it has become a major venue for classical we can identify with him. A young woman music. with nowhere to stay searches the streets of “The danger for Anglicans, and this is my Bethlehem,” he says. “These people we read frustration, is that we fall into the trap of those about in the scriptures are ordinary people like familiar words: ‘As it was in the beginning is you and me trying to make sense of all the now and ever shall be, amen.’ That’s not about God-stuff going on around them. “ vision. People without vision perish.” So he and his team have created a ‘café-style Just then the phone rings and while we talk over the message being left on the church.’ On Saturday evenings young people answerphone Graham suddenly catches the gather for Venue 2. “They eat doughnuts and words ‘pub lunch’. “I think I’d better call drink fizzy drinks and play their genre of music back!” he says. – it’s very loud!” While not undermining traditional-style Graham gets cross that he and his colleagues sometimes get taken for granted. “The doctor church – and Graham describes himself as couldn’t do his job without the people that ‘middle of the road’ in terms of worship style – clean the wards. We’d be in a total mess such projects are opening doors to new people. without the dustman, doing their work. As “That’s what I love about my beloved Church for the clergy, at times they are amongst that of England,” he say 2