Island Life Magazine Ltd December 2007/January 2008 | Page 29

INTERVIEW have eaten us. Maybe Raymond’s snoring put them off !” Roddy grins. His gun was his constant bed-mate. Inevitably there were long times of tedium “Then your mind starts playing tricks. I was sure a British Airways plane was about to touch down, I could see its logo, I tried touching it with my ski-pole.” And times when fear almost takes hold. “At the Pole you radio to be picked up, and you have to build a runway. Then the wind changed direction and we had to build it all over again. Food and fuel were low. When the Twin Otter finally landed it broke a ski. We were told another one wasn’t coming tonight. Then you start thinking ‘Actually no-one really has to come and pick us up … “ Overcoming the physical and mental hardships are the tales he takes to the schools. But what the children really want to know about, Roddy says, is how you manage to go to the loo. “The answer is on a good day it takes 30 seconds from start to finish, but if it’s too cold your body can’t do it.” And he mentions one unfortunate man whose zip got stuck and the result was frostbite. The sheer privations of the extreme experience are poignantly illustrated by Roddy’s daughter’s reaction to his home-coming. “She didn’t recognise me and burst into tears. Then she told me I stank!” The reek of the body hangs around for a couple of weeks, he says. Even the dog ran straight back in the house when he got home from Everest. And once it’s all over, in that fight between mind and body, the body seeks revenge. It took Roddy five weeks to recover from his trip. For all the tales of daring, and with his easy and understated manner, you can see how he can inspire the children to whom he speaks to go that extra mile, in whatever way they can. “I let them try on my kit after I’ve told them all about it. Then I say “Who wants to go up Everest?” And lots of hands go up. “It may give them another chance in life.” Island Life - life Photo Above: Wilderness: the cold light of day 29