Island Life Magazine Ltd December 2007/January 2008 | Page 23

PROPERTY and I have always considered that good and sound advice is very necessary in this regard. Individuals and various support charitable organisations touch our lives and if you feel they should benefit in some way under a legacy in your Will then this should be specifically considered to ensure that this takes place upon your death. I have always advised that Wills should be reviewed at least every five years as circumstances and families and individuals can change during this period. As an aside I have been asked many times to state what I consider to be the most important word in the English language and for me it is the word “time” it remains precious and invaluable to each and every one of us and therefore bearing in mind this principal, “time” would be well spent in the careful life planning of your estate and to have the peace of mind that the administration of your estate can be expressly in accordance with your wishes and not subject to statutory rights alone. If you would like any assistance in connection with your Will then we will be happy to provide you with a Will checklist and arrange a first appointment with you without obligation and if you are unable to attend our offices for any reason then home visits can be arranged without any surcharge. Please telephone in the first instance Mark Willey at The Bembridge Law Practice (01983 875859) – part of the Terence Willey & Company Group. Island Life - 23