Island Life Magazine Ltd August/September 2010 | Page 136

food Island Life - August/September 2010 Farmer Jack's opens doors of its tasty new-look farm shop There’s a lot more to Farmer Jack's at the a bag, with tropical fruit salads proving Arreton Barn complex these days than extremely popular. just the impressive new building, which, And at this time of year there is a plentiful supported by SEEDA, has finally come to supply of freshly picked cherries and fruition. strawberries, as well as sweet corn. The extra space – around three times The shop also includes two central displays bigger than the original shop - has enabled for the Garlic Farm and the Tomato Stall, Famer Jack's to undergo a major expansion making it a complex where customers can go plan that now includes a butchery, with 80 along to find virtually all their needs under per cent of the meat sold sourced from the one roof. Island, and all the sausages made on site. An extensive deli area sells up to two dozen It is a project that its owners had been patiently awaiting for some time, but clearly different cheeses, along with speciality and the new Farmer Jack's has been well worth fine foods. Another innovation within Farmer that wait. Jack's is access to freezers where you can choose and scoop your own choices into 136 Visit our new website -