iSing Issue 1 | Page 9

The Fundamentals VOCAL NERDS EXERCISE 3! EXERCISE 4! Trapezium Stretch ! Tilt your head to the left and put your left hand on your right temple. With your fingers pull your skin up and out (in the direction your head is tilted) and drop your right shoulder back and down. Hold for 30 seconds. You should feel some stretching in your right shoulder. Repeat for the other side. Shake the Bars ! You’re supposed to imagine you’re in prison for this one. We prefer to imagine we’re throttling the DJ for putting on the “Frog Song”. Hold out your hands in front of you like you’re grabbing hold of some prison bars and then proceed to shake those bars letting your relaxed jaw chatter as you do it. Making a ridiculous noise ! helps greatly. ! Internet connection required TRAPEZIUM STRETCH ! Internet connection required SHAKE THE BARS EXERCISE 5! ! Jaw Massage ! Place your hands in front of your ears so your palms are on your jaw line and bite down. Did you feel the muscle stick out as you did it? This is the one you want to massage with your fingertips, great for releasing the jaw tension common in nocturnal teeth grinders. Internet connection required JAW MASSAGE Swipe to see MORE exercises iSing | issue 1 »