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is 1.5 to 3mls of solution . This may be the answer if the oral bioavailability of these amino acids were low or otherwise compromised . That isn ’ t the case .
Many take citrulline and arginine orally in their intra-workout drink . Based on the pump and the flush on their faces , it could be argued that it ’ s an effective dose and ultimately more cost effective . Not to mention it ’ s one less injection . It definitely seems to match up more closely , mg to mg , than say L-carnitine for example .
B12 and glutathione are worth the money and effort , as the bioavailability of oral preparations can be compromised . Many respond very positively to B12 injections and don ’ t mind taking that shot daily , as it is water based and dosages are often only 1ml .
We don ’ t use L-carnitine except for a few instances like trying to maintain a very low bodyfat percentage and conditioning between competitions . With the Tri Amino preparation , you ’ re looking at 3mls a day either through injection or orally ( just throwing them in your workout mix ). Going the oral route , the cost is much less and just as effective .
We do recommend B12 and glutathione as injectable and believe the costs are in line with what you gain from going injectable over oral . The total ml volume injected is low in both instances , so compliance with recommended amounts and frequencies are easily doable .
Optimal Omega Ratio Balancing your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio will offer major improvements in your vascular health . Today ’ s typical American diet is rich in omega-6 fatty acids , while it is lacking in omega-3 .
Omega-3 is at the top of the list of must-take supplements , but how much should you take ? Technically , that depends on how much omega-6 you ingest . Typical sources of omega-6 are vegetable oils like corn , soybean and sunflower . Each of these is a staple product found in many processed foods .
Today ’ s average American diet has produced imbalanced fatty acid ratios ranging from 15:1 to as much as 30:1 with omega-6 being in the lead position . That ’ s an incredible quantity of cytokines causing inflammation . A 3:1 ratio would be healthy and optimal .
A high omega-6 imbalance will lead to a pro-inflammatory response , which is the genesis of many disease pathways . Combined with foods high in sugar ( usually accompanying the intake of most processed food high in omega-6 ), this delivers a one-two punch to your vascular system .
By supplementing omega-3s and choosing more intelligent sources of fat ( such as olive oil , butter from grass fed cows and avocado oil ), while avoiding oils high in omega-6 at all costs , you ’ ll start to balance out this ratio and begin to improve vascular health .

“ It ’ s important to be cognizant of the simple fact that a calorie isn ’ t just a calorie either . Insulin sensitivity and body type will always dictate how much carbohydrate you consume and the type of carbs you require to lose fat , build muscle and or make further changes in your health .

Understanding this , it ’ s imperative you purchase purified omega-3 fatty acid capsules – paying very close attention to the amount of omega-3 per tablet – and that you dose accordingly . If you ’ re not able to find purified deepsea preparations and have to purchase fish oil , get capsules having the most omega-3 fatty acid per tablet and , obviously , the least amount of omega-6 . Your goal must always be to minimize consumption of omega-6 and maximize your omega-3 fatty acid intake . Don ’ t assume the amount of omega-3 fatty acids per capsule coincides with the big flashy number in the name of the product . It likely only has 300mg . That ’ s why it ’ s so critical to read your labels very carefully .
In order to optimize the omega ratio , we recommend taking a minimum of 3 grams , or 3,000mg , of this supplement daily in divided doses . Many take 10 to 15 grams every day without adverse effects .
Post-Diet Consumption One of the most commonly asked questions by those who are dieting is : “ When I get to my desired bodyfat level and or body weight how do I eat after that ?” The answer is a simple one , which you ’ re not going to like unless you ’ ve already come to the state of mind that you should have formulated at the onset of said diet plan .
If you drop 20 pounds of fat and go back to the type of diet you were eating before losing the fat , you ’ ll just put it back on . Changing your diet must always be looked at as a lifestyle change . That ’ s it . That ’ s the secret .
Now , of course , we can get a little more detailed . You ’ ll most likely move from a calorie deficit to a neutral or maintenance caloric intake . That will stop you from losing more weight / bodyfat and keep you right where you are .
It ’ s important to be cognizant of the simple fact that a calorie isn ’ t just a calorie either . Insulin sensitivity and body type will always dictate how much carbohydrate you consume and the type of carbs you require to lose fat , build muscle and or make further changes in your health .
-Jay Campbell is the author of the # 1 5 Star Rated Book ever written on Testosterone Replacement Therapy ( TRT ), The Definitive TRT MANual , the founder of TRTRevolution . com and the creator of the TRT Revolution Podcast . Jim Brown was an NPC super heavyweight bodybuilder for over a dozen years , the creator of Forged Training and a performance improvement specialist who has coached thousands . Together they work tirelessly to help aging fitness enthusiasts realize their health and fitness goals . Read much more at TRTRevolution . com .
74 SEPTEMBER 2017 | ironmanmagazine . com