Iron man Iron_Man_USA__September_2017 | Page 74

Compound moves should be the foundation for any exercise program .

Next , your workout routine needs to include the basics . Compound moves should be the foundation for any exercise program . These are moves such as squats , presses , deadlifts and lunges . They work multiple joints and target several muscle groups . Compound moves are also essential for your core . Trust me : A person with a six-pack doesn ’ t just do abs workouts all the time . They ’ re doing the work with the big lifts and working in core isolation moves as well .
The Core-Centric Moves To get a strong midsection that ’ s sculpted and also highly functional for your everyday life , working out and sports , you need to think 360 degrees . The core is the front , side and back . If one piece is lagging , it ’ s going to throw things off so it ’ s very important to balance it out .
The Plank This move hits nearly every muscle on your body when done correctly and can light your core up . Start in a prone position with your feet and knees together and elbows directly below your shoulders . With your forearms planted on the floor , lift your knees off the floor so you create a straight line from head to toe . Squeeze your abdominals , glutes and quads and remember to breathe during this hold . Aim for 30 seconds for two or three sets .
Need something more challenging ? Grab a kettlebell or weight plate . You ’ ll be executing this move on your hands this time instead of your elbows , but the same principles apply . Place the kettlebell or weight plate just below and outside your right hand . Keeping your hips square and plank intact , reach through with your right arm and drag the kettlebell or plate across . Repeat with the other side .
The Side Plank Much more challenging than the normal plank , the side plank loses at least two points of contact . Lie on your side with your elbow below your shoulder and your legs stacked . Lift your hip so you create a straight line from your armpit to your ankle . Hold this for two or three sets of 20 seconds and remember to hit both sides .
Single-Leg Hip Extension A powerful backside is essential for a strong core . Nowadays , lower back pain is quite common and a strong backside can be the cure . Single-leg hip extensions are a great way to target your glutes . Lie on your back with your feet below your knees . Dig your heels in and lift your toes . Lift your hips toward the ceiling , pressing one heel into the floor as the other foot is lifted off the floor . Lower to the ground after you reach full hip extension and alternate sides . Perform 8 to 10 reps for two or three sets and your glutes will become much stronger .
Pallof Press Coined as an anti-rotation exercise , the key is to resist the rotation and , for lack of a better phrase , hold your line . Grab a resistance band or pulley and interlock your fingers . With your side facing the pulley machine or resistance band anchor , sit in an athletic stance with your feet wide and knees slightly bent with an even posture . Bring the handle to your sternum and press the handle straight out until your arms are fully extended before slowly bringing it back to the starting position . The goal is to avoid rotating or moving your midsection . Hit both sides for two or three sets of 8 to 10 reps .
The Farmer ’ s Carry ( with two weights ) If you ’ re just starting out , opt for something a little lighter to test it out before eventually aiming to carry half your bodyweight in each hand for at least 25 to 50 yards . When performing this exercise , have the weights by your sides , assume a tall posture with shoulders back and squeeze through your midsection .
The Suitcase Carry ( with one weight ) The challenge is in maintaining an upright posture and not compensating . This will specifically target the side without the weight as you attempt to balance things out .
The Waiter ’ s Carry ( with one weight ) Using one dumbbell or kettlebell , you ’ ll need to tone down the weight a little bit from the previous two exercises as the weight is going overhead . Fully extend your arm and maintain an upright posture as you start walking . Keep the arm fully extended the entire time and your midsection will be on fire .
A Quick Note About the Carry Moves The goal is to carry heavy weight for as long as you possibly can with the farmer ’ s carry , suitcase carry and waiter ’ s carry . Heavy weight for all three is important . Carrying heavy objects is a great way to engage not only your core , but also your entire body while jacking up your heart rate . It ’ s also highly functional and we carry stuff every day !
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