Iron man Iron_Man_USA__September_2017 | Page 65

5 STEP GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL TIME THE BLUEPRINT MANAGEMENT THE TRANSFORMER These tips will ensure nothing gets in the way of succeeding with your workout goals. By Kris Gethin I n this day and age, there are countless distractions attempt- ing to steal precious time from our day. Cell phones have made us more reachable and account- able than ever before and social media has the ability to suck us in for hours at a time. My daily mission is to eradicate any unneces- sary communication or distraction with the outside world. To become as 62 SEPTEMBER 2017 | successful as possible, I need to make optimal use of every available minute of the day. In order to do this, I have very strict criteria to keep distractions at bay. 1. Analyze The average individual is said to spend four hours a day on social media, needlessly scrolling through other people’s personal lives. It’s one big real- ity TV show and something you cannot aff ord to partake in if you’re aiming to increase your productivity. The first step to successfully managing your time is to analyze where you are spending it. This is exactly the same as keeping a food diary to assess where you’re overeating. Once you discover where your time is being spent, you have useful information about your