Iron man Iron_Man_USA__September_2017 | Page 53

THE WORKOUT Expect soreness after completing this workout for the first time. Not the kind of soreness where you only remember on a couple of occasions that you trained your chest earlier that day. The kind of soreness where it’s impossible to forget you trained your chest. Experienced lifters can pull off this workout twice a week as long as they’re not in a severe calorie deficit. Otherwise once per week is plenty enough. Your body will need time to fully recover so you can come back stronger and bigger. As with any new workout, start slow and progress. Be sure that you are tracking your progress along the way. EXERCISE 1. Incline Dumbbell Press 2. Dumbbell Bench Press 3a. Cable Press Crossover 3b. Cable Flye 4. Bench Press 21s Incline Dumbbell Press Set a bench to 45 degrees. Place a dumbbell on each thigh. One leg at a time, lift each dumbbell up to your chest. Keep your elbows slightly tucked in and then lower them at a con- trolled pace while inhaling. Lower the dumbbells until they reach chest height. Exhale and press the dumbbells back to the starting position. Dumbbell Bench Press Sit on a bench resting a dumbbell on each thigh. Lie back on the bench using your legs to lift the dumbbells above your chest. Keeping your elbows slightly tucked in, lower the dumbbells to your chest while inhaling. Exhale and press the dumbbells back to the starting position. Cable Press Crossover Set the cables so that they are secured at chest height. Grab each handle and take a small step forward. Bring each handle in front of your elbows so you are in a standing push-up position. Keeping your elbows directly behind the handles, press both handles out and cross one handle over the other at the end range of motion. Be sure to contract your chest and exhale. Slowly bring the cables back to the starting posi- tion. Repeat the motion alternating which handle stacks on top. Cable Flye Set the cables so that they are secured at chest height. Grab each handle and take a small step forward so that your arms are extended and there’s tension on the cables. Keeping your elbows extended, exhale and bring the cables together direct- ly in front of your chest. Be sure to keep your elbows slightly lower than shoulder height and contract your chest through- out. Slowly bring the cables back to the starting position. Bench Press 21s Set up as normal for the bench press with your feet firmly planted on the ground, a slight arch in your lower back and keeping your elbows directly underneath the bar. Lower the bar all the way to your chest. Press the bar up only halfway and then lower it back to your chest. Repeat this range of motion for seven reps. Then press the bar all the way. Lower the bar only halfway down and press it all the way up. Repeat this range of motion for seven reps. Finish the final seven reps using a full range of motion. 50 SEPTEMBER 2017 | SETS 3 3 4 4 2 REPS 6-8(Reverse Pyramid) 10 12 15 21