Iron man Iron_Man_USA__September_2017 | Page 16


Accelerate recovery and reduce inflammation by consuming fermented foods .


By Nathane L . Jackson , RHN , CSCS

Y ou ’ ve done the calorie math . You prioritize fruits , vegetables and leafy greens . Meal prep is sacred and you even have meals in the freezer ready to go in case an evening of Netflix and chill is suddenly needed . You ’ ve thought of it all . Almost ! You ’ re just missing a side of bugs . Yes , bugs ! Don ’ t worry , no one ’ s saying you should eat crickets , but the reality is that you could get more of the available micronutrients foods have to offer through fermentation .

What Are Fermented Foods ? Fermentation is the process of breaking down carbohydrates by bacteria , yeasts and other microorganisms into simpler substances , like alcohol and organic acids . It also acts as a way of preserving food to retain the nutrients and prevent spoilage .
Examples of fermented foods include sauerkraut , kimchi , pickles , olives , cultured cheese , kombucha , yogurt , kefir , miso and tempeh . When shopping for sauerkraut , kimchi and pickles , be sure to look for products that use a brine of salt and water instead of vinegar . Why ? The latter prevents natural fermentation from occurring . Better yet , make your own .
Many ask : Could beer and wine count towards the recommended daily serving of fermented foods ? Technically , they are fermented , but beer and wine don ’ t provide much gut bacteria . Beer doesn ’ t contain probiotics as the hop acids prevent their survival and the probiotics in wine are destroyed when sulfites are added for preservation .
Why Is It Important ? Our gastrointestinal ( GI ) tracts are loaded with bugs , or more scientifically stated , microorganisms that help populate and restore good bacteria . In fact , we have over 400 species of microbes living in our gut . Fermented foods are essential to gut health because they ’ re full of these helpful critters . Bacteria improve our digestion through the production of enzymes that not only boost nutrient uptake , but also reduce gas and bloating .
Fermented foods help disable anti-nutrients , such as oxalates , lectins and phytates , found in grains , beans , legumes , lentils and nuts . These anti-nutrients are a plant ’ s defense mechanism for survival and can sometimes make our digestive process difficult . Some tribes and nutrition gurus demonize these aforementioned foods and make careless recommendations that everyone should eliminate entire food groups . Similar to gluten and lactose , not everyone experiences the same digestive discomfort . As a result , these foods – all foods for that matter – should be consumed on an individual basis . For example , you may experience digestive discomfort when consuming soybeans , but have no issue with the fermented version called tempeh . The same can be said for those who don ’ t handle milk well but are okay with yogurt .
14 SEPTEMBER 2017 | ironmanmagazine . com