Iron man Iron_Man_USA__June_2017 | Page 40

MC : When you look at the IFBB Men ’ s Physique athletes , what do you think ? MR : There are a few I can see myself matching with . I see physiques that fit with mine . I have always liked Steve Cook ’ s physique . He has the look , as well as the hair . It ’ s not only the physique that is aesthetically pleasing . I think that would be my category .
MC : You manage to be athletic and aesthetic . Do you train for that ? MR : I have a very athletic background . Tennis , surfing , and rugby were all big sports for me . I do quite a bit of cardio , and I thinks that keeps me looking athletic and my body fat percentage low . I lift weights typically four session a week , for one hour . I split them into bodyparts : chest and triceps , back and biceps , legs , and then shoulders with some more arms . I ’ m off from lifting weights or strenuous cardio two days a week , but I might do a yoga class or go for a walk .
MC : That ’ s a pretty ordinary workout routine . Does your diet get a lot of credit for your look ? MR : I feel like nutrition is the major key to getting my results . Ninety percent of my choices every day all year are healthy . I eat a lot of chicken , fish , and eggs . At every meal , I try to have 40 grams of digestible
AGE : 29 HEIGHT : 5 ’ 11 ” WEIGHT : 183 pounds LIVES : Gold Coast , Australia FAVORITE EXERCISE : Chin-ups LEAST FAVORITE EXERCISE : Calf raises GREATEST FITNESS INSPIRATION : Sylvester Stallone BEST FITNESS BOOK YOU HAVE EVER READ : Arnold Schwarzenegger ’ s Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding WEIRDEST HEALTHY FOOD YOU EAT REGULARLY : I like tuna mixed with scrambled eggs , cottage cheese , kidney beans , avocado , and kale WHAT WOULD BE YOUR LAST MEAL ON EARTH ? A peanut butter and honey pizza topped with sliced banana and sprinkled with crushed M & Ms YOUR LAST LEGITIMATE REASON FOR SKIPPING A WORKOUT : At the beginning of the year , I got the worst cold I ’ ve ever had with a massive sinus infection . I was stuck in bed for over a week . The gym owner literally called me to check if I had died because I had never missed that many days of training . GO-TO WEBSITE : foxsports . com BINGE TV SHOW : Friends SPONSORS : 360Health
INSTAGRAM : @ healthmanmark and @ team360health WEBSITE : team360health . com . au YOUTUBE . COM / healthmanmark TWITTER : @ healthmanmark
38 JUNE 2017 | ironmanmagazine . com