Iron man Iron_Man_USA__June_2017 | Page 10



Cable Conundrum

How to get more out of your gym ’ s pulley system .

By Eric Broser

Let ’ s face it , sometimes resistance training can get a little redundant . Even in a gym filled with ample free weights , a plethora of machines , and multiple cable stations , you will more than likely find yourself repeating the same exercises over and over again , week in and out . And while this is certainly okay in your first few years of lifting , this kind of repetition will eventually lead to stagnation , frustration , and plateaus , resulting from pure boredom — of both your mind and your muscles .

As a competitive bodybuilder , trainer , and prep coach for over 25 years , I have always stressed the need for variety in any sound long-term training program . The simple act of altering not only sets and reps but also angles , grips , stances , and / or planes of motion ( on just about any specific exercise ) will have a different effect on your body and utilize a unique set of motor-unit pools within the target muscle . In the short term , this can make training more interesting , and in the long run , far more productive .
One of my favorite places to experiment with “ out of the box ” twists on basic exercises is at the cable crossover station . I ’ m constantly thinking about how our muscles “ work ” and trying to come up with new ways to exhaust ( more like demolish ) them . I seek to force the muscles to stretch , push , pull , and contract through unique ROMs that they have never dealt with previously . I believe that this is one of the keys to unlocking one ’ s full genetic potential for muscular development . With that muscle-building in mind , here are three rarely seen movements you can do in almost any commercial gym . They only require an adjustable incline bench , upper and lower cables , and a few common pulley attachments . With each of these exercises , feel free to experiment with the angle of the bench , bar utilized , and width of grip . The more variety you force upon your muscles , the more complete development they will each achieve .

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8 JUNE 2017 | ironmanmagazine . com