Iron man Iron Man USA August 2017 f | Page 8

IM THE FIRST WORD PUBLISHER’S LETTER Consistency Is Key O ne of the things that people trying to get into bodybuild- ing and fitness in general are seemingly most preoccupied with is finding motivation. I’m going to let you in on a secret. Motivation isn’t the missing ingredient to your success in the gym, on the stage or even in life. The secret, if there really is one at all, is consistency. If you’re a regular reader of Iron Man magazine, you already know that one of the hallmarks of the advice given in these pages is to remain on the path you have chosen. If you put in the work and limit straying from your plan, results do really follow. But why do so many people fall short? It’s not a lack of motivation. It is a simple lack of consistency. Sure, a movie might make you want to workout once, but that one workout isn’t the key to crafting your best body. Only a lifetime of truly staying diligent will ensure success. The question we should all be most aware of is: How do you stay consis- tent? But again, this isn’t a question of effort or some secret catalyst to get you to do the work. The key is making a plan and following through with strat- egies and decisions you crafted to get you to your goal. Every time you skip a workout or train without a plan, you fail at moving forward. Every time you decide to eat a snack that’s not on your meal plan, you are at best stumbling towards your goal. Every time you break the plan, you break consistency and fail yourself. But this isn’t a dismissal of your efforts! In fact, it’s a challenge. When you fall, stumble or break away from your plans, that is a challenge to yourself to do better. You are only as good as the effort you put in today to get to tomorrow. Forget any past mis- steps and focus on bringing your best to everything going forward and results PUBLISHER/EDITOR IN CHIEF: Binais Begovic PUBLISHER/EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Catherine Begovic LEAD PHOTOGRAPHER: Binais Begovic CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Rogelio Alvarado ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHER: Clint Padilla VIDEO PRODUCTION: Joseph Inciong DIGITAL MEDIA DIRECTOR/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER: Natalie Minh BRAND MANAGER/SALES DIRECTOR: Jesper Nyden ACCOUNTING AND FULFILLMENT DIRECTOR: Sonia Melendez NEWSSTAND CONSULTANT: Angelo Gandino FOLLOW AND LIKE US Twitter: @ironmanmagazine Facebook: Instagram: @ironmanmagazine YouTube: @ironmanmagazine Snapchat: @ironmanmag 6 AUGUST 2017 | will follow. This is very much the same philosophy of our cover guy, Bran- dan Fokken, and Hardbody star, Rose DiNuccio. Witness their challenges and renewed commitment to reach success through positivity and consistency and I’m sure you’ll find yourself on the right path from now on. Binais Begovic Publisher Follow me on Instagram: @binais PRESIDENT/CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER: Michael De Medeiros CEO/CO-FOUNDER: Charlie Romano CONTENT DIRECTOR/EXECUTIVE EDITOR: James De Medeiros CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Rico Marques CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Raphael Konforti, MS, CPT STAFF WRITER: Sarah Chadwell, NASM CPT CONTRIBUTORS: Sarah Butcher, Nathane L. Jackson, RHN CSCS, Heather Neff, CPT, Michael Schletter, CSCS*D NSCA-CPT*D, Emily Schneider-Green, Patrick Thompson, CPT CONTACT US Binais Begovic, PUBLISHER: [email protected] Dr. Catherine Begovic, PUBLISHER Lonnie Teper, EDITOR AT LARGE: [email protected] Jesper Nyden, ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE: [email protected] Jaimie Huynh, OFFICE COORDINATOR: [email protected], 310-295-1972. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 888-881-5861 [email protected] THE IRON MAN MARK IS OWNED BY WORLD ENDURANCE HOLDINGS AND IS USED UNDER LICENSE. We reserve the right to reject any advertising at our discretion without explanation. All manuscripts, art or other submissions must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Send submissions to IRON MAN, 8370 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 320, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. We are not responsible for unsolicited material. Writers and photographers should send for our Guidelines outlining specifications for submissions. IRON MAN is an open forum. We also reserve the right to edit any letter or manuscript as we see fit, and photos submitted have an implied waiver of copyright. Please consult a physician before beginning any diet or exercise program. Use the information published in IRON MAN at your own risk.