Iron man Iron Man USA August 2017 f | Page 44

KROK ROW keeping your torso upright and right knee over your right heel . Drive up through the right foot back to the starting position . Repeat on the opposite side .
Keeping your torso upright and elbows under the bar press it overhead . At the top of the rep the bar should be directly overhead . Lower the bar back to the starting position .
Wide Grip Cable Pulldown Grab the bar with an overhand grip that ’ s wider than shoulder-width apart . Pull the bar down to your chest focusing on pulling from your elbows to activate the lats . Hold the bar at your chest for a second drawing your shoulder blades down and then slowly move back to the starting position .
Dumbbell Curl Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing in while standing up . Keeping both elbows still , lift the dumbbells while turning your palms so they face straight up at the top . Reverse the motion and lower back to the starting position .
Skullcrusher Lie down on a bench holding an EZbar with an overhand grip . Start with your arms extended and elbows over your shoulders . Keeping your elbows still , lower the bar towards your forehead then extend your elbows to lift it back up .
Front Squat Set up a barbell in a squat or power rack just below shoulder height . Get under the bar so it rests on the front of your shoulders then cross both arms over top to hold the bar in place . Unrack the bar and take one step back into a shoulder-width stance . Keeping your torso upright , squat and lower your hips till your thighs are parallel to the ground then exhale and stand up .
Barbell Lunge Begin by standing with a barbell on your upper traps . Take a big step forward with your right leg then lower your body till your left knee almost touches the ground . Press back through your right foot to return to the starting position . Complete all reps on the right side then all reps on the left side .
Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift Stand up and hold two dumbbells in front of your thighs . Slightly bend your knees and lower your torso by pushing your hips back keeping your spine neutral . Extend your hips forward contracting your hamstrings and glutes till you are standing straight up .
Bulgarian Split Squat Start facing away from a bench holding two dumbbells . Lift your left leg and place it on the bench behind you . Keeping your right foot in one spot , lower your left knee to the ground while
Lying Leg Curl Start lying on your stomach on the machine . Place both legs under the pad hip-width apart . Lift the pad towards your hamstrings . Lower it back to the starting position keeping tension on the hamstrings throughout .
Standing Calf Raise Standing on the calf raise machine , place both of your feet hip-width apart . Lower your heels so they go below your toes . Press up with your toes going as high as possible and pause . Lower your heels back to the starting position .
Exercise Ball Pike Start in a push-up position with both feet on the ball . Keeping your legs straight , lift your hips straight up so the ball rolls forward and hips rise up over your shoulders . Lower your hips back to the starting position .
Exercise Ball Knee Tuck Start in a push-up position with both of your feet on the ball . Draw both knees in towards your chest so your thighs almost touch your stomach . Extend your legs back out to the starting position .
Exercise Ball Crunch Start with your shoulders on the exercise ball facing up . Lift your hips so your knees , hips and shoulders are all parallel to the floor . Place both hands by your head and lift your shoulders off the ball . Pause and then lower back to the starting position .
42 AUGUST 2017 | ironmanmagazine . com