Iron man Iron Man USA August 2017 f | Page 20



offers more than half of your recommended daily intake in a single serving ! Why is that relevant to your gains and performance goals ? Vitamin C isn ’ t only what keeps you in the gym and free of the flu . Thanks to its free-radical fighting antioxidant count , it can also help keep you clear from pesky joint pain , among other serious health issues it can help with like heart disease .
Pineapple also provides you with manganese , which is a foundational mineral key for good performance from the ground up . You can ’ t pack on muscle without a solid frame to start with – it ’ s only common sense – which is why you should know ( and care ) that manganese plays a critical role in the development of healthy bone structure and cartilage formation .
An enzyme called glycosyltransferases is responsible for this process in the body , but manganese is the cofactor needed to set the wheels into motion . In other words , you can thank manganese for quite literally laying the foundation for your physique . Ample manganese in your diet ensures proper development and maintenance of the skeletal system , as it helps with continued growth , along with improved metabolism of carbohydrates , lipids and amino acids . Research places pineapple at the top of the list of foods naturally containing this mineral . are commonly used to treat those aches and pains . But did you know that pineapple delivers the exact same benefits , 100 % naturally ? How so ? Bromelain is derived from pineapple !
The proteolyric enzyme itself aids our digestion and breaks down protein in the body . Since bodybuilders are typically eating protein-heavy diets , they need this boost in digestion more than most , so a diet rich with bromelain is a no brainer .
The vitamin C content in pineapple has also been studied with relation to its decreased muscle soreness after athletic performance and it ’ s been shown that the vitamin can have a major impact on reducing the inflammation and resulting soreness you might experience following a heavy weight session . A study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that men experienced a significant reduction in muscle soreness in the first 24 hours after exercising when they took a vitamin C supplement before and after working out .
Benefit # 2 : You Can ’ t Make Gains Without Carbs Beyond its vitamin content , pineapple aids digestion though its ideal makeup of carbs , crude fiber , water and potassium . That makes it a friend in your overall quest for the ideal physique – one that ’ s low in body fat and high in muscle mass . After all , pineapples help to regulate and improve digestion and weight maintenance .
Any lifter already knows that it ’ s not just carbs , but the type and timing that move the needle when it comes to your muscle growth and maintenance , and pineapple provides an ideal choice across the board . A one-cup serving contains 22 grams of carbs along with some healthy fiber and few calories . Consuming adequate carbs both pre and post workout is key for optimal energy levels and the ability to strengthen , recover and grow . Because pineapple is a relatively high glycemic choice comprised of simple , easy-to-digest sugars , your best bet is to toss some back as a post-workout carb .
Many studies have found that consuming high glycemic carbohydrates after workouts , in conjunction with protein , enhances the formation of muscle . Think outside the box of rice and chicken ( or rice cakes and protein shakes ), and enjoy a livelier flavor like pineapple while upping your vitamin intake .
Benefit # 3 : Delayed Soreness When Training Excessive soreness and a body that doesn ’ t snap back as quickly as you ’ d like can be more than an annoyance . It can be a major hindrance to your training . Bromelain supplements
18 AUGUST 2017 | ironmanmagazine . com