Iron man Iron Man USA April 2017 | Page 95

ANTI-AGING Richard: What are some training methods I can adopt to target fast-twitch muscle fibers? This is an interesting question but doesn’t require a com- plicated answer. Humans are born with a specific amount of muscle fibers. These fibers are also of a specific fiber content. Some are slow-twitch and others are fast-twitch. There is research that shows that certain types of training can adapt muscle fibers so that they change a wee bit. But all in all, you’re born with what you’re born with. So train with compound movements at varying rep ranges to theoretically tax all of three energy systems necessary to stimulate fiber enervation and growth. Anders: With strength training, one can hit plateaus and workouts can become non-productive because of the body adapting to the stimulus. Can this happen with cardio as well? Let’s hit the lifting portion first. In Jim’s training system, Forged Training, the lifter is always training to positive fail- ure and keeping a log book. If they fail to either beat reps or weight, they change movements and/or order of move- ments performed for a given muscle group. Your body will adapt. In our opinion you must keep trying to progress in some way to keep ahead of the adaptation, given that hormones and diet aren’t the limiting factor. Obviously, this applies if your goal is to get bigger and stronger. As far as cardio, again, yes, you will adapt, especially if you train as you should for cardio and be slightly out of your comfort zone. I will go through periods of time where I’m performing more than a normal amount of cardio and I notice that just to break a sweat I’m forced to change machines and to certainly vary the intensity. IM ADVERTISEMENT The disputes and legal proceedings between NPC, IFBB Pro and Nspire Sports League have been re- solved and settled to the satisfaction of all involved parties. As part of the settlement, NPC and Nspire have confirmed that NPC and Nspire will not impose any sanctions or penalties, or otherwise interfere in any way with, any person on account of that person’s participation in any amateur body- building or other amateur fitness contest offered by another organization, whether such person is an athlete, promoter, sponsor, vendor, or other- wise, and that neither NPC nor Nspire condone, ratify, facilitate or permit such actions by any NPC and/or Nspire officer and/or employee. As part of the settlement, IFBB Pro has also confirmed that it will not impose any sanctions or penalties, or otherwise interfere in any way with, any person on account of that person’s participa- tion by guest posing, giving seminars, or otherwise appearing (but not competing) at any body- building or other fitness contest offered by another organization, whether such person is an athlete, promoter, sponsor, vendor, or otherwise, and does not condone, ratify, facilitate or permit such ac- tions by any IFBB Pro officer and/or employee. | APRIL 2017 93