Iron man Iron Man USA April 2017 | Page 16



Test Your Chest

By Redmann Wright

If you ’ re looking for the rush you get from an amazing pump in your pecs , try this workout now .

Photo : binais begovic , Model : benjayMin jahroMi

At different periods in our training , we all hit plateaus . It ’ s a fact of training life . With that in mind , we should all be looking for that something new , that boom that says “ hi ” to your muscles . Here is that workout you ’ ve been looking for to really dial in some highly focused stimulation to the muscle fibers in your pecs . This short but intense program is designed to spark an incredible pump while initiating gains in new muscle . Who doesn ’ t want that ?

The idea is to progressively move up in weight on each set of the bench press , cable crossovers , and lying low-pulley chest flyes . This gradual increase in load will give the body a chance for adaption . For these three exercises , focus on slow reps , maximizing the time under tension on the negative portion
14 april 2017 | ironmanmagazine . com of the movement . Also , don ’ t forget the lost art of peak contraction . Be sure to intensely squeeze your pecs at the top of each rep .
The bodyweight bounce push-ups are a different beast than the bench press and cable exercises . They will fill your pecs with so much blood and test your muscular endurance at the same time , you ’ ll barely be able to get your hands together for the flyes . Performed for high reps , they are a great addition to the loaded exercises that are done in the eight- to 10-rep range .
I call this “ Hypertrophy-Specific Training .” It ’ s the ideal method to increase muscle mass and push through the winter into the summer months ( aka “ shirts-off season ”) that are fast approaching .
Barbell Bench Press Lie faceup squarely on a bench with your feet flat on the floor . Grasp the barbell with a wide overhand grip , well outside your shoulders . Unrack the bar , take a deep breath , and slowly bring it to your lower chest . Keep your wrists over your elbows and your elbows pointed out to your sides . When the bar reaches an inch or so away from your chest , forcefully reverse direction and press the bar upward . Do not bounce the weight . Drive it back over your face to full arm extension , but do not lock out your elbows .