IRON_for Baby Iron_Baby_eBook | Page 8

Sample meal plan 2 6-9 month old baby
• Aim for : 2 to 3 meals and 1 to 2 snacks
• Let your baby decide how much to eat of the food you offer . To start , offer 1 to 2 teaspoons and increase to more depending on your baby ’ s appetite .
Early Morning Breastmilk or infant formula Vitamin D drops
Breakfast Breastmilk or infant formula Iron-fortified infant cereal ( mixed with breastmilk or infant formula or water ) Mashed or cut-up strawberries or pears Water in a cup
Snack Breastmilk or infant formula
Lunch Breastmilk or infant formula Thoroughly cooked ground or minced beef Cooked broccoli , mashed Water in a cup
Snack Breast milk or infant formula Avocado , chopped
Dinner Breast milk or infant formula Lentils and canned salmon , mashed Cooked carrots , mashed Brown rice Water in a cup
Sources : Health Canada , Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants : Recommendations from Six to 24 Months , accessed online January , 2018 .
References :
1 https :// www . canada . ca / en / health-canada / services / foodnutrition / healthy-eating / infant-feeding / nutrition-healthy-term-infantsrecommendations-birth-six-months / 6-24-months . html # a7
2 sample menu based on Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition ® ( PEN ) recommendations .
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