IRAAS Newsletter - Winter 2016 Edition IRAAS Newsletter Winter 2016 | Page 13

IRAAS graduate Douglas Ficek ’03 recently interviewed Professor Robert GoodingWilliams, M. Moran Weston/ Black Alumni Council Professor of African-American Studies, Professor of Philosophy !Where are you from and how did you become a philosopher? I am able to think about a few things that answer why philosophy gripped me. One is adolescent rebellion against my religious upbringing. My parents weren’t particularly religious, but I had any number of relatives that were intensely religious. As I grew up, philosophy provided a way to question religion and react to the intensity of it. My father also presented himself, in a way, as a frustrated philosopher. He was fiction writer and I always remember him saying “I would have studied philosophy in college, but I didn’t because I couldn't see a way to make money and support my family.” I remember sitting at the dining room table and hearing my father and his friends talk about Melville, Ellison, Richard Wright, Norman Mailer, Dostoevsky and Nietzsche. As my father and his friends spoke, I became engaged with this form of thinking. These are the things that come to mind when I think about that question. Yo