Ipsos in SiMa Ipsos | Curiosity February 2017 | Page 43

September 2016

It ’ s Nativism :

Explaining the Drivers of Trump ’ s Popular Support

Variables in the Equation
B S . E . Wald df Sig . Exp ( B )
STEP 1 A auth _ 2 0.217 0.074 8.638 1 0.003 1.243 parents -0.041 0.014 9.196 1 0.002 0.960 fear 0.022 0.027 0.670 1 0.413 1.022 broken 0.026 0.025 1.047 1 0.306 1.026 immigrants 0.180 0.022 67.185 1 0.000 1.197 v22 _ dream 0.411 0.176 5.463 1 0.019 1.508 v23 _ intervention -0.148 0.181 0.662 1 0.416 0.863 v25 _ noabortion 0.154 0.175 0.774 1 0.379 1.166 white 1.049 0.306 11.745 1 0.001 2.856 hispanic -0.089 0.346 0.065 1 0.798 0.915 educated _ well 0.076 0.182 0.175 1 0.675 1.079 male 0.742 0.173 18.403 1 0.000 2.100 age _ 45 -0.233 0.184 1.604 1 0.205 0.792 Constant -6.291 0.689 83.489 1 0.000 0.002
a . Variable ( s ) entered on step 1 : auth _ 2 , parents , fear , broken , immigrants , v22 _ dream , v23 _ intervention , v25 _ noabortion , white , hispanic , educated _ well , male , age _ 45 .
Pseudo R2 = 0.291