Ipsos in SiMa Ipsos | Curiosity February 2017 | Page 37

September 2016

It ’ s Nativism :

Explaining the Drivers of Trump ’ s Popular Support

Logistic Regression : Drivers of Support for Trump
Model 1 Trump among Reps * Model 2 Republicans ** Model 3 Trump ***
0 %
4 %
11 %
Degree ( college +)
1 %
0 %
0 %
1 %
1 %
0 %
Government Intervention
1 %
5 %
0 %
1 %
0 %
10 %
No Abortion
1 %
24 %
0 %
Fear of Others
3 %
1 %
0 %
American Dream
8 %
0 %
3 %
45 +
8 %
0 %
1 %
Worse off than Parents
9 %
0 %
6 %
System is Broken
12 %
18 %
1 %
13 %
4 %
6 %
56 %
46 %
67 %
* Primary Vote for Trump among Republicans ** Identify as Republican *** Primary Vote for Trump among all Americans
First , independent of model specification , nativism is the most important factor in defining support for Trump ( as well as for identifying with the Republican Party ). Indeed , when looking at primary support for Trump among Republicans , Nativism explains 56 % of the impact , with other factors accounting for very little in a relative sense . Authoritarianism only accounts for 13 % in model 1 .
Second , when we broaden our universe and look at support for Trump among all Americans , we find that , indeed , nativism is very important ( 67 %); all other factors are tertiary at best . We find a similar trend for identifying ( or not ) with being Republican : nativism ( 46 %); anti-abortion ( 24 %); and system is broken ( 18 %). Again , in both models 2 and 3 , we find that authoritarianism only has a marginal impact : 4 % in model 2 and 6 % in model 3 .
Third , demographics , as a whole , explain very little of the overall impact . This varies from around 24 % in model 2 to about only 5 % in model 1 . In the case of support for Trump among all Americans , being male and white explain about 20 % of the impact .