Ipsos in SiMa Ipsos | Curiosity April 2017 | Page 9

An Efficient Alternative to Concept Optimization

Lee Markowitz | Lucy Haide Balbuena Robles | Luis Fernando Freixedas Abimerhy
By testing in a competitive context and using our validated InnoQuest modeling , the results were forecast-ready with no retesting needed . Moreover , because we used our RED measures ( and not Choice or Purchase Intent ) we were confident that disruptive concepts with high potential would not be killed . Why ? Because the RED measures are not biased toward familiar concepts like line extensions .
In addition to consumer appeal , trial indices , and optional forecasts , we also provide rich diagnostics and strategic direction : drivers of concept performance and Archetype profiles ( i . e ., Winner , Breakthrough , Niche , Premium , or other innovation type ). Lastly , we also provide on-demand simulations of “ what if ” scenarios for any concept element combination .
Armed with this information , our clients can choose the best possible concept to move forward with , understand its strategic role in the innovation portfolio ( through its Archetype profile ), and predict how well it will perform in-market .