Ipsos in SiMa Curiosity Nov/Dec 2017 | Page 38

2.3 PEOPLE ARE MOST AFRAID OF ROBOTS TAKING JOBS Of all the potential impacts of AI, at present, its power to reshape the labour market of the future is driving much of the uncertainty and anxiety. A majority have resigned themselves to a future where AI does the work of humans: seven in 10 (70%) Australians believe that many jobs in the future will be done by robots and many believe that this won’t be a good thing: 6 in 10 (62%) believe that using robots and Artificial Intelligence to replace human workers is bad for society. Interestingly however, when it comes to AI’s potential impact on them personally in the future, a different picture emerges: only about 3 in 10 (32%) are worried about their own jobs eventually be replaced by robots and Artificial Intelligence. 70% “In the future many jobs will be done by robots and Artificial Intelligence” 62% 32% “Using robots and Artificial Intelligence to replace human workers is bad for society” “I worry my job will eventually be replaced by robots and Artificial Intelligence” Disagree: 8% Disagree: 12% Disagree: 36% Neither agree or disagree: 22% Neither agree or disagree: 26% Neither agree or disagree: 33% Base: All (n=1038), net agree, net disagree. Totals may not add up due to rounding Brave New World: Are consumers ready for AI? | Ipsos 17