iParent Magazine Issue 8 August 2015 | Page 17

The 3 Steps

1. Affirmation

2. Encouragement

3. Something

17 iParent Magazine August 2015 www.iparentmagazine.com

Connecting with his baby requires him to take steps to feel close to the baby before birth. Unlike generations long ago, fathers today are eager to take part in pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing. Research reinforces the benefits of a father’s early involvement in fostering happy and healthy children. As expectant fathers take their first steps along the unique journey of attaining fatherhood, expectant mothers should affirm their emerging roles, encourage them to participate, and praise them for their involvement.

Affirmation. An expectant father’s needs are unique and equally important as an expectant mother’s. Talk to him. Ask him his thoughts and feelings on becoming a father. Help him to manage his emotions by making him feel valued and heard. Having open and honest conversations will facilitate his ability to find balance in his emerging nurturer-provider role and lead to greater confidence as a father. Knowing he can talk to you about being a dad is a great stress reliever and reduces anxiety and/or fears. Conversations will also help an expectant mother and father find balance as new parents.

Take these three easy steps and support his journey to fatherhood as you journey along motherhood. Make them a part of every day and soon you will be the parents you always knew you could be!