ION INDIE MAGAZINE June 2016, Volume 25 | Page 114

That takes a lot of time. So we are also to focus on that, so it gets as good as we want it to be. We have to reserve some time for it. There are always opportunities to play live, but somehow we have to postpone some of the requests to take our time. KZ: Thank you so much for taking the time to making this interview for ION Indie Magazine. I wish you all the best and I hope that your gig tonight will be great. And maybe you have some closing words to fans? MH: Yeah, thank you also so much. This is the support we need as a rather small band in this world of millions of other bands so that people get to know us--and that’s through media, through people who present us to other people who don’t know about us. So thank you for the support and also thank all your readers. This here is a double headliner. KZ: So you’re taking turns headlining each night? MH: Not each night. It depends a little bit on the country. In Austria, where Serenity has its origin, they will play last. But it doesn’t really make a difference. For us it is not an evil thing. It’s the practical side of it. If we play first, then after we have more time to drink beer and relax. Pictured left: Marco Heubaum of Xandria and Kat Zee