ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2015, Volume 11 | Page 76

we’ve put on so far, from the opening band to the last note of the headliner, the places have been pretty much packed. It’s not the type of show where people come to catch the last couple bands. People come for the whole experience, hang out with friends, meet new people, make new friends. RW: It’s a friendly environment, everyone just comes and hangs out. TB: A perfect show is seeing scene unity and creating scene unity. RW: They haven’t felt like shows, they just feel like parties with bands playing and everyone is hanging out having fun. And that is decent! Josh O’Connor (Bass): Perfect show: Lots of bass solos TB: Lots of low tones. Ha ha! SK: One where the show ends and everyone’s happy…bands, crowd, club, promoters, whatever…that is a perfect show for me. ION: One last question…what do you want fans to take from your music? RL: Enjoyment, realization, kind of open their eyes a little bit. There is more to the world than people are lead onto these days. We hit those areas to kind of give an open mind. We want to leave you satisfied musically and have the mind very curious. I think that is the overall experience. TB: We don’t want to tell you want to think--we just want to tell you to think. I’M FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND I’M HERE TO HELP’S new album is set to be released in the summer of 2015. IFTGAIHTH is: Vocals: Tom Bieler, Guitars: Ronnie LePine, Guitars: Robby Warren, Bass/Vocals: Josh O'Connor and Drums: Steve Keicher.