ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2015, Volume 11 | Page 22

Tell our readers where to find “all things SILVERSEL”? Ricky: Visit or just hit us up on - we love interacting with our Selmates! In closing, are there any comments or “shout-outs” you’d like to give? Ricky: Definitely give a shout out to our Maker, for without His blessings, this wouldn’t be. Also, all the men and women in the Armed Forces granting us our freedom. Huge thanks to STAR PRO RECORDS, TNT MANAGEMENT AND BOOKING AGENCY, our tour manager BOBBY JONES, SHANE BALDWIN from ELEV ATED BASEMENT STUDIOS, B-STICK of Denmark and JEREMY ROBINSON—and all the DJ’s and radio stations getting our music out there. Foremost, our Selmates…you guys make us who we are…THANKS!