Investor Quarterly™ June 2016 | Page 25

“ I ’ d be a bum on the street with a tin cup , if the markets were efficient .” - Warren Buffet
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[ Diagnosing Inefficiencies ]

How to Generate the highest returns Possible on your Real Estate Investments

“ I ’ d be a bum on the street with a tin cup , if the markets were efficient .” - Warren Buffet

Warren Buffett has created an incredible legacy , along with tens of billions of dollars by finding inefficiencies in markets and businesses . Buffett who is also one of the most famous real estate investors in history and recently converted to hosting his shareholder meetings online , polishes these gems by injecting new capital and enhancing management .
By becoming adept at identifying inefficiencies in a marketplace , putting the right management in place , and leveraging technology can take advantage of more opportunities to prosper .
By : Dr . Amir Baluch , MD [ Investor | Entrepreneur | Mentor ]
( Cont . on next page )