Invenio: Coaching and Mentoring September 2016 IIC&M | Page 5

“My Journey”, that is what this month’s Invenio, brought to you by the IIC&M, is all about. Invenio? Yes, Invenio!

We all go through journeys every day. Some journeys are simple and straight forward, and may take only minutes to complete. Others can take many years, where we may not even know our destination or perhaps we change it as we progress. And often, we have many journeys that we complete simultaneously in various tempos and with different destinations. May it be work journeys throughout our careers, personal journeys as we walk through life, intellectual journeys as we become wiser and smarter as the years progress, or spiritual journeys to help us find our true selves and inner spirits.

One of my journeys is obviously Invenio. We embarked on this journey late last year, when we decided to upgrade our newsletter to a digital magazine, and bring this to all our IIC&M members for free from 2016 onwards. We wanted to create a platform for our IIC&M community to share their insights into the coaching and mentoring world with a wider audience.

We are now half way through our first year’s journey, and what an amazing journey this has been! Initially, we focused on the paving the way. We designed and published the first brand new magazine, we decided on a calendar of topic, developed standards and guidelines, and we attracted some fantastic authors. Since then, we have developed the content, based on your valuable feedback, fine-tuned our design, and worked with the most amazing people on building our magazine. And whilst travelling down this route, we have been inspired by the insights shared by everyone who has contributed to building our magazine. And now, we are ready to publish our magazine not only to our IIC&M members, but also to the wider world.

However, when publishing our magazine to this wider world, it was brought to our attention that another company was mistakenly seen as the publisher, because of their name. They reached out to us, and we decided to avoid further confusion by changing our name from Insight to Invenio. Please read our MD David's announcement for more explanation on why we have chosen this name.

As we move along our journey, our next stop will be to expand our team with technical staff and more author’s (please do reach to me out if you’re interested in joining our team), and I can’t wait to see what’s around the next corner as we continue on this exciting journey!

We have been lucky enough to find our journey and to know our destination, and to be agile enough to notice the signs along the road to show us the right direction. I hope that this month’s Invenio magazine, and the many more editions to follow, will be as helpful to you, whilst you move along your journeys!

Warmest regards,


Denny Portier-Terpstra


[email protected]

Denny Portier-Terpstra

Editor of Insight brought to you by the IIC&M.

Denny is also an experienced coach and mentor, and an HR Professional.
