Interview Preparation Volume 1 | Page 33

Why are you interested in this position?

Understanding about a companies goals, objectives and mission ststement is very important, it demonstrates that you can relate to it not just impress the interviewer that you read through their Website.

Companies do not want to hire candidates that they spend money on in terms of training if those candidates are simply using the position for personal gain.

They would rather hire someone who wanted genuine career development and have a passion for their sector and what they do.

* I have always been very passionate about Client management, there is a sense of both personal and professional satisfaction if they feel that I have done a good job.

This motivates me to always want to improve and gives me a purpose.

This is only a suggested answer but it demonstrates the concept.

Providing you with answers will not get you a job, you need to experiment with the structures shown and create answers that are unique to you.

There are hundreds of interview questions, you simply could not prepare for every one however you can practice for the most commonnly asked questions which are generic to each sector.