Interrelate Annual Report 2015-16 | Page 63

During 2015-16, key outcomes achieved in these areas include: Aboriginal engagement and services • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy launched and projects commenced across the regions. • Development of the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2016-18. Communication • S2S Staff Reference Group continued to support staff involvement, communication and ownership of projects focused on workplace culture. • Organisational Communication Guidelines reviewed in consultation with staff and recommendations commenced implementation. • As a result of the January 2016 Cultural Survey, development of Project Plans commenced with a focus on cross unit communication and cooperation. • Increased access for staff to the Executive continued, through Executives attending regional events, meetings, policy training and participating in joint projects. Complaints and grievances • Issues Resolution Policy reviewed in consultation with staff, the Executive and the Board. As a result, a new Workplace Complaint Management Policy was adopted in April 2016. Culture • Training in organisational Values and the Code of Conduct incorporated into the New Employee Induction. • Bullying is not OK training webinar introduced to all staff. • A Cultural Survey undertaken in January 2016 demonstrated an overall healthy workplace culture. The organisation continues to work on its areas for growth and improvement. Information technology • IT Champions in each region recruited and trained to provide on the job accessible assistance to staff with IT and Client Management System questions. • IT training webinars continued to be rolled out and well utilised by staff. Infrastructure to support growth and support delivery • Changed major information and communications technology partner to deliver a faster, more reliable network with a 26% reduction in costs 61