Internet Learning Volume 4, Number 2, Fall 2015 | Page 39

Internet Learning processes, with the first steps focusing on identification of need and subsequent steps working to identify, implement, and evaluate the solutions to the identified need. Needs at the corporate level may need to be addressed at multiple employee levels, with multiple learning approaches, but the core of the process should be a unified strategy to improve employee and company performance to better serve the customer. These employee needs and motivations apply across learning platforms, but the delivery mechanism for instruction in the workplace is increasingly that of elearning. In the context of the overall need for workplace learning and employee motivations for learning a well-designed elearning program addresses the needs of multiple stakeholders. To address this workplace learning as a whole is discussed and then the elearning component is added into the context of the broader workplace. Beyond the tools used to perform the job, employees today are also responsible for learning about changes to the company’s approach to doing business, changes to what customers need, and changes to the competitive environment. an entire firm. This expansion of learning into every part of a firm is a natural extension of the need for all functional areas in a firm to continually grow and improve service to the increasingly complex and competitive external environment in which all industries are working today. Learning activities in the modern firm can encompass a number of different areas. Technical learning involves developing new skills for new tools, whether those skills are applied to a new software application, new manufacturing equipment, or some other technical aspect of the business. This type of learning is often the first type considered because of the rapid advance of technology in all aspects of life but it is not the only area of change and learning for today’s workers. Beyond the tools used to perform the job, employees today are also responsible for learning about changes to the company’s approach to doing business, changes to what customers need, and changes to the competitive environment. These learning activities ultimately connect to the overall corporate strategy of the firm and, by extension, impact every employee, in every department, at every level (see Figure 1). Learning’s Role in the Workplace Traditional views of functional areas in a firm may relegate workplace learning to only a human resource function. The reality of the modern environment, however, is quite different. Harmon (2015) identifies Learning & Growth Measures as one element of a departmental scorecard applied to departments, processes, and activities across Figure 1. Employees are responsible for change according to customer needs. Learning in the modern workplace is much more than a question of introductory training or policy updates, although those elements do require training to maintain 38