Internet Learning Volume 4, Number 1, Spring 2015 | Page 84

Internet Learning Journal – Volume 4, Issue 1 – Spring 2015 completely irrelevant information/services that are available. The battle for the creation of interesting new products will no longer be focused on the products being new, but rather on them being interesting. This means that the relevant difference between information and knowledge (useful information) is on making sure that its usefulness is so clear and publicized that the product will become interesting. Such an alteration of what is relevant about a product will make scientific/technological research increasingly less relevant, and social/psychological/marketing research increasingly more relevant; it also makes a lot of the structure we are using to promote production, such as patents, increasingly more focused on marketing technologies and increasingly less so on technological developments. Languages are the representation of a joint cultural past, bridges to the construction of a joint future, and barriers to the construction of other joint futures. Languages can indeed both unite and divide people. Another well-known capacity of languages is the building of cultural commerce landscapes that can represent extremely large amounts of money. The more widespread a language, the larger the market of the culture having such language can access. Of course, that translation is always possible, but the existence of a common language helps the building of a common culture. The combined existence of a joint language and culture is very useful in the construction of a joint market. This must be understood as a relevant political issue (Heller, 1991 & 1995). CONCLUSION The analysis of the global economical fluxes is both multi-science and multitechnology, and young people understand that it is the managing of that monetary flux that is the essence of what presently constitutes power. Power is no longer in the military as it occurred until the 60s-70s of the previous century, and it is starting to no longer be associated to knowledge about the legal system, but it is rather starting to become associated to the knowledge about the management of economical fluxes. The EU is a paradigmatic example of this shift. Fraternity in Europe can only endure if the production capacity becomes more homogeneous across the EU, otherwise it will not occur. The people of the poor countries cannot live better than the people of the richer countries using the richer countries’ money, nor can they accept to live in worst conditions than in the richer countries forever. The universities that by lack of scale and/or money cannot produce the best art, science, or technology in the world have the moral duty of trying to show those high achievements of humanity to their students. The online universities are especially well equipped to be that window to world-class quality and achievement that can be open by combining multi-science and multi-technology teaching (Morin, 2008), and at a considerable lower cost than face-to-face universities; even more so if you are a student not living in the richer countries of the world, where one typically finds the top-level face-to-face universities. 82!