Internet Learning Volume 4, Number 1, Spring 2015 | Page 65

Internet Learning Journal – Volume 4, Issue 1 – Spring 2015 two additional questions in terms of e-learning experiences indicated that most participants had previously taken five to six online courses, and were taking one or two online courses at the time of the questionnaire’s administration.. Data Analysis Procedures An independent sample student’s t-test was the statistical technique used to test each of the research hypotheses. All of the research hypotheses are directional--that is, the independent variable has a positive effect on each of the dependent variables. Therefore, the hypothesis testing is one-tailed rather than two-tailed by default. First, a reliability analysis was conducted to assess the internal consistency of item responses for each dependent variable. If response reliability is acceptable, the index score of each variable will be calculated for subsequent t-tests. Also, descriptive statistics including means and standard deviations from descriptive analyses were reported. RESULTS Presented in Table 1 are the results of reliability and descriptive analyses. Chronbach’s Alpha was the reliability coefficient used in this study to measure the internal consistency of responses to the items measuring the same variable. If an alpha was greater than 0.7, this indicated that the measurement error of the items was controlled. In this study, the measures of all dependent variables exhibited acceptable levels of reliability as they were around 0.8 or higher. The relatively high reliability of item responses supported the calculation of index scores for each dependent variable based on the average of item scores. Table 1 Reliability and Descriptive Analyses Dependent Variable Alpha Treatment Group Control Group Learning Objectives 0.87 4.49 (0.54) 4.31 (0.84) Outcome Assessments 0.85 4.52 (0.64) 4.32 (0.88) Instructional Materials 0.92 4.31 (0.76) 4.10 (1.02) Learner Interactions 0.79 4.34 (0.73) 3.99 (1.03) Course Technologies 0.87 4.25 (0.84) 4.15 (0.88) The descriptive statistics show that all average responses were above the neutral point of three, and the standard deviation was around one or lower. Thus, participants generally had positive perceptions of online courses. As expected, the treatment group exhibited higher average responses on all of the dependent variables over the control group. On the other hand, the standard deviations of the responses in the treatment group were lower than those in the control group. These findings suggest that the faculty training lead to relatively more positive and consistent perceptions from students with regard to online 63!