Internet Learning Volume 4, Number 1, Spring 2015 | Page 36

Internet Learning Journal – Volume 4, Issue 1 – Spring 2015 Appendix A Literature Review Matrix No. Lead Author Year Purpose Participants Methodology Findings 1 Arbaugh 2014 The purpose of this study is to examine whether course technologies, learner behaviors or instructor behaviors (teaching presence) best predict online course outcomes so that administrators and support personnel can prioritize their efforts and investments. 2 Boston 2014 Explores “the relationship between indicators of the Community of Inquiry Framework and student persistence”. 3 Campbell 2014 “The goal was to identify the effects of a set of specific teacher activities on objectively determined learning 634 students and 18 instructors 28877 students at American Public University System (APUS) 132 students enrolled in an online critical thinking class Quantitative: survey questionnaire Quantitative: Linear regression was utilized to analyze the relationship between a linear combination of the independent variables Quantitative Teaching presence and perceived learning shows strongest relationship Social presence and teaching presence are important predictors for students re enrollment (retention) High presence was not associated with activity in class discussion, homework performance, 34!