Internet Learning Volume 4, Number 1, Spring 2015 | Page 21

Internet Learning Journal – Volume 4, Issue 1 – Spring 2015 Miltiadou and Savenye (2003) proposed that motivation plays significant role in deciding whether s student will succeed in a class environment. Therefore, the instructors need to pay attention on students’ motivation. Researchers Palloff & Pratt (2003) suggested that motivation plays a vital role in online class environment as it depends on learners’ selfdirected learning pace. Role of Instructors in Online Class Environments Caudle (2013) proposed that “teaching presence is more involved than designing and facilitating a community; it also includes caring for the affective domain and mediating interactions” (p. 119). Based on the information received from the available literature, the following unique roles of instructors are highlighted: Course Facilitator. According to Silverstone and Keeler (2013), clear instructions in facilitation increase learner and instructor interactions. Instructor’s presence and immediacy in providing feedback are also capable of creating learner and instructor interactions. In a study conducted by Silverstone and Keeler (2013) the concept of "Emergency help line" was introduced. The students were given an email address that was solely created to address students’ concerns. Subject Matter Expert. Silverstone and Keeler (2013) proposed that in online classes instructors can attempt to encourage creating information repository and sharing information: “when managed effectively, discussion forums can encourage learners to share information, build on the ideas of others, and construct understanding about the changing world of technology” (Silverstone & Keeler, 2013, p. 18). Being at ease with the technology being used help increase interactions with the actual content for the learners. According to Cottrell and Donaldson (2013) accessibility to resources increases the interactions between learners and content. Manager. Students learn in different ways and therefore, online class environments should consist of various measures like, lectures, videos, handouts, graphics, and activities to satisfy learners with different learning style (Silverstone and Keeler, 2013). Kim and Hoop (2013) advocated the importance of social interactions and learning by thinking and doing. Learners’ previous experiences can facilitate their learning. Course Designer. Nagel and Kotzé (2010) coined the importance of using technology effectively to achieve learners’ engagement in online class environment. Nevertheless, technology should not become the sole focus of the class. In the context of nurse education, Cottrell and Donaldson (2013) advocated that technology in many cases, acts as a medium to deliver content to the learners. It does not aid in the content itself. “The concept of 19!