Internet Learning Volume 3, Number 2, Fall 2014 | Page 84

Visualizing Knowledge Networks in Online Courses B. RQ1 Technical Summary A corpus diagram requires a graph containing a person, and all associated responses. We collected those responses by following all outgoing ‘wrote’ edges from a given person, as follows: g.V.has(‘personName’,’Renlit’). out(‘wrote’) We wrote the results to an in-memory Tinkergraph, exported the data as GraphML, and imported to Gephi for further modeling. We applied a consistent set of visualization rules, such as node sizing based on wordCount, and color mappings for the values of various attributes. Finally, we applied a force-directed graph layout algorithm to the model to obtain a readable presentation. Based on that model, we used Gephi to export a separate SVG vector graphics file for each attribute’s color scheme, and overlaid them using Adobe Illustrator. As a final step, we exported to PDF format while preserving top-level Illustrator layers, resulting in a layered PDF. We used these PDFs as data analysis tools, and to generate the comparative corpus diagrams presented in this paper. C. RQ1 Example The following figures use comparative corpus diagrams, coded for a handful of attributes, to illustrate a few similarities and distinctions among three participants: Renlit and Loret, who are students, and Naya, who is a lead course instructor. Each corpus diagram represents the entire history of each discussant’s contributions over multiple weeks and courses, and is accompanied by a brief description of the participant based on our digital-ethnographic observation data. A brief comparison will illustrate how elements of these participants’ digital-ethnographic descriptions can be detected using comparative corpus diagrams, and the potential of the approach to support identification and differentiation of individuals based on their patterns of discussion participation. Figure 5 compares corpora for Renlit, Loret, and Naya, coded for usage of personalStories. Renlit’s diagram shows the highest level of story usage across the entire data set, and reflects the digital-ethnographic description of Renlit’s tendency to answer questions using personalStories rooted in a professional context. Loret shows story usage at a significantly lower level than Renlit, but more in line with typical student numbers. Naya, on the other hand, uses only one personalStory in a corpus of 91 responses, the largest corpus in the data set. Naya’s responses are significantly shorter than most student responses, with an average wordCount of 61. We can’t infer that all instructors in all situations will show such a marked difference from students in this regard, but in combination with other data points, these provide a promising starting point for differentiating participants. Figure 6, coded for questions, reveals a striking correlation between Naya’s corpus diagram, and the digital-ethnographic description of Naya as favoring short, probing questions as a participation strategy. A comparison of Naya with Loret and Renlit is also revealing. For stories, Renlit was prolific and Naya barely registered, with a gap of about 70%. For questions, the situation is flipped, with Naya asking many questions and Renlit asking relatively few, with a gap of approximately 50%. And in both cases, Loret is in between, in some cases appearing more like the other student, and in some appearing more instructor-like, as reflected in the digital-ethnographic description. 83