Internet Learning Volume 3, Number 2, Fall 2014 | Page 80

Visualizing Knowledge Networks in Online Courses Our research questions address fundamental challenges of doing sophisticated analyses of online discussions. Conversations have structural and other non-content attributes, but are also contexts where unique individuals come together and co-create a body of content. The problem of identifying and quantifying individual influence on conversational content and structure is a complex one, as is the problem of identifying how conversational structure and content might arise as a combined expression of the attributes and behaviors of multiple individuals. In the following sections we will describe our approach to each question, and discuss our findings. IV - Methodology In this paper, we present the current state of the qualitative, quantitative, and visual research methodology that has emerged over the past three years of collaborative work. The Columbia and Pearson teams adopted an iterative, grounded approach to data gathering and analysis, beginning with a thick, digital ethnography of discussions in several online courses. Methods included close readings of discussion texts, analysis of conversational moves and strategies, and detailed analysis of engagement with assigned and unassigned resources. We identified quantitative and qualitative attributes as described above in the Analytical Framework, which we then applied to the data on successive passes over a period of several months. The result was a set of rich, augmented discussion data containing both automated and hand-coded attributes for each discussion response, along with detailed digital-ethnographic field notes. Then, in order to analyze the data from network and visualization perspectives, we employed a variety of software tools and techniques. These approaches included creation of a graph database with a custom schema designed to model threaded discussion data, a domain specific language (DSL) for exploring that data, and use of Natural-Language Processing (NLP) tools, network visualization tools (such as Gephi), graphic design software (such as Adobe Illustrator), and spreadsheets. We relied heavily on open source software, and wrote our own code as well. We were able to automate some tasks with custom scripts and parsers, while others required hours of painstaking, repetitive work. Thus, the present work is presented as a practitioners’ progress report on the project of defining a set of Social Knowledge Networking attributes relevant to emergent digital pedagogies, and of devising ways to measure and reason about them. Our examples are intended to be illustrative rather than definitive. Our methodology is presented as one of exploratory inquiry, rather than as a proven, streamlined approach to answering the kinds of questions we engage here. We draw our data examples from a single week of anonymized, small-group, threaded discussion data, consisting of one instructor prompt, seven individual thread response trees, and a total of 64 comments, over a period of four days. All names are invented code names, applied without regard to gender or course role. The seven students are Alakel, Danen, Fesler, Loret, Viska, Renlit, and Kerrad. Naya is the lead instructor, and Jakata is a TA. Radsel, a participant from another group, cross posts one comment in Fesler’s thread. For each research question, we provide a brief conceptual overview of our approach; a technical summary describing the processes and technologies involved; a situated example to illustrate an application of the model to real data; and a discussion where we explore Instructional Design insights and implications for future work. 79