Internet Learning Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2012 | Page 28

Assessing Virtual Students’ Quiz Performance in Web Mediated Synchronous Instruction 27 facility with the virtual environment in the latter case. The final variable measured the instructor’s experience with the technology, which could be expected to increase with use of the webinar service in each successive semester. Such learning might have been enhanced by reliance on a stable hardware configuration, but, as review of Table 1 shows, the technical solution was in flux, although use of Elluminate as the webinar service was a constant throughout the trial period. Results The statistical evidence of the model was provided through an ordered logistic regression, “ordered logit,” which requires sequencing the dependent categorical variable. The ordered logit model produces coefficients that estimate the factor’s impact on the likely value of the dependent variable, all other factors being held equal. The validity of ordered logistic regression is also based on the test of parallel lines, which relies on the assumption that the coefficient estimates do not vary significantly depending on the level of the dependent variable. This assumption was validated using a test of non-parallel lines. The result was failure to reject the null hypothesis (parallel lines) at the p < .10 level, with a significance value of .185. Table 4 contains the results of the ordered logistic regression. The performance of the overall model is represented by χ2 of 40.222, which establishes a significant difference (p < .05) between the model and the null hypothesis that all coefficients are zero. The amount of variation accounted for by the model is shown using McFadden, Cox and Snell, and Nagelkerke statistics, yielding values of .068, .081, and .038 respectively. Such values would be substandard levels for multiple regression. Unfortunately, these are not comparable metrics to R2, which represents the proportion of variation accounted for by a multiple regression model (Long, 1997, pp. 104-106). Two of the independent variables, non-quiz GPA and attendance mode, had significant associations with the dependent variable, quiz grade, which tended in opposite directions. The negative sign of the non-quiz GPA estimate is interpreted to mean that the shift to an adjacent grouping of average grades obtained on the financial assignments, for example from “A” (3.75 to 4) to “B+/A-” (3.25 to 3.74) or from “B+/A-” to “B” (2.75 to 3.24), was associ