International Wood International Wood 2008 | Page 8

Uif!hsffoftu!cvjmejoh!qspevdu! dpnft!gspn!obuvsf/ QPMMNFJFS!HFSNBO!CFFDI!jt!hspxo!jo!HfsnbozÖt!obuvsbm!gpsftut-! boe!jt!tvtubjofe.zjfme!ibswftufe!voefs!uif!upvhiftu!gpsftusz!mbxt!po!fbsui/ IPX!UPVHI? ¦!Just a few trees per acre are selected for harvest each year. ¦!Logging is always limited to less than the rate of new growth. ¦!Young and old trees are not harvested (20-80 & 200+ years). ¦!Every log and stump is tagged for careful tracking. Qpmmnfjfs!jt!qspve!up!cf!uif!mbshftu!qspevdfs!pg!QFGD.dfsujßfe!ibsexppe!jo!Fvspqf-! ibswftufe!fydmvtjwfmz!gspn!tvtubjofe.zjfme-!obuvsbm!gpsftut/!Op!usff!gbsnt-!op!dmpojoh-! op!cbncpp-!op!qmbtujd-!op!dfnfou-!boe!op!tuffm/!Dbmm!upebz!boe!gjoe!pvu!xiz!! Qpmmnfjfs!Cffdi!jt!rvjuf!qpttjcmz!uif!hsffoftu!cvjmejoh!qspevdu!po!fbsui/ North American Sales Office: Portland, Oregon Toll Free 866-432-0699 Outside U.S. 503-452-5800 [email protected] Photo courtesy of Canyon Creek Cabinet Company. At least 70% of our production is PEFC-certified. of ¦!All eco-system aspects are regulated: bird nesting seasons, fire-hazard conditions, and impact on soil, flora and fauna.