International Wood International Wood 2005 | Page 50

INDUSTRY Making a Difference IN THE FOREST BUILDING CAPACITY FOR SUSTAINABLE RESULTS T he “Industry Contribution to Forest Governance” workshop focused on a key strategy of the PIAIL: the w o r k s h o p c power o of n market v forces. e n This e strategy d of PIAIL J recog- a n nizes the value of increasing market transparency and Panama City, Panama. The workshop was organized by the International Wood Products Association (IWPA) in-country capacity to implement obligations under in- with a grant by the U.S. Department of State, the lead ternational and domestic laws and regulations. agency to implement the President’s Initiative Against Representatives from the wood products industry I l l e g a l L o g g i n g ( P I A I L) . T h e P I A I L w a s l au n c h e in d Bolivia, by Brazil, and Peru were joined by U.S. - based Secretary of State Colin Powell in July 2003, at President timber importers and international, regional, and Non- Bush’s behest, to help developing countries combat governmental Organizations (NGOs). As a result of the illegal logging, the sale of illegally harvested timber workshop, public-private partnership working groups p r o d u c t s , a n d c o r r u p t i o n i n t h e f o r e s t s e c t were o r . created T h e in each of the three countries to build capac- ities to promote sustainable forest management (SFM) and combat illegal logging. This was done by measures that include developing a voluntary code of conduct for exporters; establishing a work plan for the marketing of lesser known or lesser used timber species; addressing land tenure and land conversion issues that create neg- ative incentives for SFM; and improving collaboration to address forest governance issues. Industry in all three countries supported a Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) process in Latin America, and was eager to work with NGOs in support of healthy forests and healthy trade. The complete proceedings from the Workshop are posted on IWPA’s Website at IW 50 IMPORTED WOOD u a r y