International Racing Pigeon Issue nr 4 . July 2018 | Page 14

between three fingers or 1 tablespoon per 1 litre of water. Everybody can make a tea right? I mean, how hard can it be? ... we put the plants in the water ,we let the water to boil for

15-20 minutes and it is done righyt? ...WRONG. When we prepare a tea we must always follow a very simple straight forward formula which will ensure that all the nutrients released from the plant will have the effect we would expect on our birds. The way we must always prepare a tea is by bringing the water at the boiling point ( a kettle should work just fine) ,empty the water in a recipient and then we will need to add the plants. When we prepare a tea from green plants we will need to let the plants in the water for 1 minute, while if we are to prepare a tea from dried plants the maximum period of time the plants may be left in the water is two minutes. After these little periods of time we can strain the content ,let it

cool and then offer it to our birds. To ensure that we have prepared the right tea for our birds we must always look at the color of the tea we are making after it has been strained .This color should always and always be light in color: light green ,light yellow, light grey. An extended boiling period of time (15-20 minutes) will eliminate almost all the beneficial effect of the plants and as a consequence, what we will be left with will be just boiled stuff with an insignificant beneficial effect for our birds,

nothing else. After we have ensured that every bird has been drinking our prepared tea we must always empty the drinkers as these teas will turn dark in color which means that they have lost their properties. Tea preaparation and drinking has been taken to the level of art in some countries. We do not need to do that for our birds but we need to make sure that we folow the right preparation formula if we are to experience the best results for our birds.

So this is in a nutshell the right way to prepare a tea for our pigeons from

green and dried plants .

I am gonna wrap up here ,i hope you enjoyed reading these lines and find them useful ,till next time i wish you

" All the best."

season, mucus in the throat,etc. An excellent natural product that we can use to prevent

and treat respiratory diseases are Eucaliptus leaves, green or dried ones.


Eucalyptus is a tree that originates from Australia. It can reach up to 60 meters in hight and we can find it today in

other countries as well like:

New Zeeland, Algery, Rusia, Spain, Portugal and southern regions of France.

In our pigeons diet we can use the leaves of this tree for tea preparation.

The benefits of using this plant are :

Excellent support for respiratory system.

Kills bacterias.

Kills fungies.

Eliminates worms.

Used with great success in treating catarrh.


1-2 times per week ,1 satchet per 1 litre of water. When preparing the tea always we can add a tablespoon of honey bee at every 1 litre of tea and serve it to our pigeons. We can find eucalyptus tea in supermarkets and natural remedies

specialized shops. Where this tea has never been offered to our birds half of the dosage is recommended for the first two weeks and than we can gradually increase it to the recommended quantity .When making a tea for our birds the green leaves are always to be prefered as these have the most active nourishing substances .Because now we are in full winter we can use the dried version of these leaves. When we buy these teas from supermarkets they will come in a prepackaged version or satchets, while if we preffer to harvest these plants ourselves, the right dosage would be the quantity comprised between

three fingers or 1 tablespoon per 1 litre of water.

Everybody can make a tea right? I mean, how hard can it be? ... we put the plants in the water ,we let the water to boil for

15-20 minutes and it is done righyt? ...WRONG. When we prepare a tea we must always follow a very simple straight forward

formula which will ensure that all the nutrients released from the plant will have the effect we would expect on our birds.

The way we must always prepare a tea is by bringing the water at the boiling point ( a kettle should work just fine) ,

empty the water in a recipient and then we will need to add the plants. When we prepare a tea from green plants we will

need to let the plants in the water for 1 minute, while if we are to prepare a tea from dried plants the maximum period of

time the plants may be left in the water is two minutes. After these little periods of time we can strain the content ,let it

cool and then offer it to our birds.