International Lifestyle Magazine Issue 55 | Page 44

HEALING MIND BODY AND SOUL WITH M E D I TAT I O N Wo r d s : J o B a r n a r d F rom the moment we are born, to the moment we leave this earth, our breath is our constant companion; our anchor. But how often do we really think about it, let alone tune into it or appreciate it? Yet when life gets tough, we can always turn to it and depend on it for our healing. If we allow our breath to take centre stage, bringing focus to it through meditation, we allow ourselves to understand our needs fully; physically, mentally and on a physical level, if we take some time out to breathe slowly and deeply, we instantly become aware of any tension in the body that perhaps we wouldn’t have otherwise noticed. If, on the other hand, we ignore our bodies and their subtle messages, such as this tension, they will begin to shout louder and louder still, sometimes to the point that we are floored. So it’s important to bring awareness to this often. If and when we notice any tension or discomfort, we can direct our breathing into that area, allowing healing oxygen to flow and stagnant energy to shift. We intuitively know what we need when we listen. But in order to truly hear, we must make time for silence. Listen and silent; anagrams of each other, the two go hand in hand.