International Lifestyle Magazine Issue 50 | Page 82

Yo g a a n d a D e t o x and cleanse practice? Wo r d s : F i o n a R o b e r t s o n What is the vital link between enjoying M ost people who practice Yoga do so for health and wellness reasons. Many agree they feel refreshed, energized, lighter, or simply uplifted and simply great after doing Yoga. Some even reported miraculous healing experiences. Likewise, anybody who has spend some time fasting and cleansing their body and incorporating a wholesome living raw food diet often experience the same benefits of well-being and positive health. So what is a detox? A detox is a period when you abstain from certain foods and drinks, to enable the body, mind and soul to thoroughly rest. A practice that allows the body a chance to cleanse and purge old waste and toxins via the bodies natural elimination organs, such as the skin and especially the colon. It can help reduce swelling and inflammation as well as remove the burden of toxins from stores deep in your organ and muscle tissues. When we have created some inner space we are naturally allowing better health, higher energy and clear mindedness to enter. The fast is an ancient healing method spoken of by Hippocrates the western father of medicine. 460 to 377 BC. “Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness.” When we rebuild the body after a fasting and cleansing period on raw foods, healing occurs because we are digesting life force energy in the foods that we eat. These foods are alive and full of essential enzymes. Living and raw foods are filled with enzymes which are needed for every function of the body, from every step we make to the vital communication between our cells to tell the brain how we feel and what we sense. Raw foods also allow our body to work efficiently at eliminating what’s toxic and harmful. The body grows stronger and the mind clearer. When we finally stop working against our body’s natural intelligence and miracles happen.